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Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Sam Fox School Commitment

The Sam Fox School values equity, diversity, and inclusion within and beyond our walls. We are committed to increasing the diversity of our community, cultivating inclusive learning and work environments, and promoting a culture and ethos of equitable success. We acknowledge that it is our responsibility as a School to engage critically with social justice issues on campus and in the greater St. Louis community. We believe that art, architecture, and design are fields positioned to address these challenges and issues in unique and meaningful ways.

We are committed to working toward a more inclusive and equitable school culture. We recognize that Sam Fox School community members from marginalized communities may face microaggressions, interpersonal discrimination, systemic forms of oppression and other identity-related challenges inside and outside of the Sam Fox School. We strive to proactively combat these challenges and forms of oppression and support each other through intentional programming and dialogues, critical analyses of existing structures and systems, and a commitment by all community members to equity, diversity, and inclusion. We hope you will join us in this commitment.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion News