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Faculty Teaching Development Awards

The Sam Fox School invites proposals for Faculty Teaching Development Awards. These awards are intended to recognize stellar contributions in teaching, to support innovation, and to incentivize activities that further enrich the School through student instruction.

All Sam Fox School tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible to apply, as well as full-time senior lecturers and full-time lecturers who have taught at the School for at least one year prior to applying. Outcomes may include direct contributions to courses (new or existing), or may include faculty research work that advances course content. Faculty Teaching Development Awards will be given annually and must be approved by your college director prior to submission. Recipients can receive up to $2,500.

Jennifer Ingram

Funding to build an Eco-conscious Fabric Library for students in existing and new courses to select and explore various eco-aware materials and products to incorporate into their designs.

Seth Denizen

Funding for guest speakers and technical workshops to train students in the Spring 2024 Landscape Architecture 402/502 Studio in incorporating the Ksat data from the USDA soil survey of St. Louis within their design work.

Becca Leffell Koren

Funding for guest designers and experts in multilingual design as guest critics for the Spring 2024 course, Language Currents: Multilingual Typography. This course offers students fluent in a language other than English or those interested in multilingual design a chance to explore identity through typographic application.

Kelley Van Dyck Murphy

Funding towards material costs and hiring a research assistant for the Spring 2024 course, Fields + Frames. This course partners students and community members from the Cortex Innovation district to create a set of temporary public artworks using ceramic 3D printing onsite at Cortex.

Pablo Moyano Fernandez

Purchasing materials to build innovative molds and concrete castings that will inform building enclosure systems in the Experimental Concrete Enclosures Studio course.

Meghan Kirkwood

Funding for guest photographer and master black and white printing technician, Richard Boutwell, as artist-in-residence. In addition to advising students in highly technical modes of printing, Boutwell advised the process of personalizing the lab equipment and printing.

Aggie Toppins

Bringing scholarly designers for lectures and workshops and publishing work from the Making History: a Graphic Design Studio. Students reviewed historical research methods, conducting self-guided projects that had the opportunity to be included in publication.

Chandler Ahrens

Funding for materials and specialized robotic equipment for the Intelligent Prefabrication seminar. This funding permitted students to access the materials and purchase time on the machines to build full-scale prototypes of their designs.

Wyly Brown

Funding for a research assistant, lecturers, and a BIM Consultant to support students’ professional design skills in Arch 439: Environmental Systems 2.

Ben Kiel

Funding to support the purchase of educational licenses for Robofont, transportation to St. Louis Public Library-Central Library, virtual critiques from leading typeface designers, a Kimmag010 loupe, a Sony DSC-HX99 camera, and costs for a student exhibition for the Typeface Design class.

Shreyas R Krishnan

Funding for lectures and workshops by guest artists, and a pop-up reading room and exhibit at Betty’s Books to support the elective Panel by Panel: Narrative Comics.

Meghan Kirkwood

Purchase of a set of 6 DJI pocket osmo cameras for new video-based programming in existing and new photography courses.

Heidi Kolk and Penina Acayo Laker

Ongoing development of “You Are Here: St. Louis’ Racial History Through Sites and Stories,” a brand-new Sam Fox School course for spring 2021. The course is concerned with interrogating the complex history of race and racial injustice in St. Louis by means of site and story-based exploration.

Kelley Van Dyck Murphy

Purchase of a 3D Potterbot Micro 9 3D ceramic printer for the spring 2021 course “Digital Ceramics,” which examines new possibilities for masonry and ceramics in architecture through computational design and digital fabrication.

Constance Vale

Student access to equipment attuned to jewelry design for her new workshop “Body as Site / Jewelry as Architecture.” The workshop deals with contemporary issues, integrating feminist, critical race, queer, and media theory.

Jonathan Hanahan

Purchase additional hardware, charging, and storage equipment to support the use of virtual reality technology in the first cohort of the course Sculpting Realities 2.0.

Meghan Kirkwood

Develop and create new opportunities for the current Drone Photography class and build the foundations for future drone-related programming.

Pablo Moyano

Purchase materials for students in the Concrete Enclosure Systems studio to build mockups of the constituent pieces of their proposed building enclosure systems at one-quarter of the real scale.

Linda C. Samuels

Participate in the LAGI 2020 Fly Ranch competition in Nevada, with a team of up to twelve students, two expert partners, and several institutional collaborations.

Penina Acayo Laker

Production of student work and guest lecturers for the communication design major elective Design for Social Impact.

D.B. Dowd

Development of the two-course sequence The Illustrated Periodical and Literatures of Drawing for the new MFA in Illustration & Visual Culture program.

Jonathan Hanahan

Use of virtual reality technology in the new course Sculpting Realities.

Jennifer Ingram

Participation at the Sustainability in Fashion, Regent’s University London & International Textile and Apparel Association Conference.

Michael Allen

Support his seminar The Unruly Cit, and travel to the IASTE conference in Portugal.

Kelley Van Dyck Murphy

Support the spring 2018 seminar Expanding Skin.

Tim Portlock

Support the purchase of four projectors for time-based media classes.

Enrique Von Rohr

Purchase of new technology for the class Alternative Displays.

Jonathan Hanahan

Attendance and presentation at the 2017 EYEO Festival in Minneapolis.

John Hendrix

Purchase of a 22” Cintiq HD to gain expertise for the classroom/studio.

Linda C. Samuels

Attendance at Dr. Iris Patten’s Leadership Summit in Tuscon, Arizona, and Dr. Patten’s subsequent workshop for students at Washington University.

Lavender Tessmer

Employment of a student research assistant to help leverage past studio content.

Elena Cánovas

Research for the project Contemporary Urban Public Spaces_St. Louis City Chances, as well as a related workshop.

Carolyn Gaidis

Support for the spring 2016 course Integrated Planting Design, which focused on the landscape ecology of the WashU campus.

Jennifer Ingram

Attendance at the 2015 International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, where she attended sessions on sustainability and innovation in design education.

Pablo Moyano

Purchase of materials to build design mockups for the spring 2016 studio High Performance Building Enclosure.

Chandler Ahrens

Implementation—including 3D printing for students—for the fall 2015 course Performance Enhancing, co-taught with Robin VerHage-Abrams, associate professor of fashion design.

D.B. Dowd

Development of curated visual and bibliographic materials in digital format for use in teaching across multiple disciplines.

Elisa Kim

Attendance at the February 2015 ASHOKA Exchange conference and the spring 2015 course Design for Social Innovation.

Stephen Mueller

Support for the spring 2015 studio PROTOLOGICS/Urgent Typologies.

The Faculty Teaching Development Awards are funded by the Ralph J. Nagel Deanship Endowment.