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Bixby 3D Design Shop

Person wearing an apron works with a piece of wire and a drill in a shop space.

The Bixby 3D Design Shop supports basic woodworking and bricolage, and is equipped with stationary woodworking machines, a suite of hand tools, ample workbenches, and bins of catalogued materials.

This space is specifically tailored to host sections of 3D Design, a cornerstone of our undergraduate art and design experience. Although 3D Design is a vital component of many foundations programs, ours is unique in that it has a dedicated teaching space that brings together the classroom and wood shop under one roof.


Band saw
Miter saw
Drill press
Disc/belt sander
Table saw
Panel saw
Spindle sander


Training is required before the use of this space. Classes scheduled in this space are automatically enrolled in training. For information about individualized training, contact Leland Orvis at