Is Material a Fact?
On Tuesday, April 30, Good Developments Group along with El Dorado, Kansas State University’s College of Architecture, Planning and Design, and the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Art’s College of Architecture presents a student-designed and run exhibition inside the Crunden Martin East Building, the first building to be activated as part of the $1.2B Gateway South Innovation District south of the Gateway Arch National Park.
The exhibition is the culmination of a semester’s worth of academic investigation into the tangible properties of materials as well as their virtual counterparts. The exhibition will present the results of ongoing efforts to create a cutting-edge Materials Library set to operate within the rehabilitated Crunden Martin buildings.
The exhibition presents a series of studio projects starting with Material Cubes & Doppelgangers, then moves into the results of Material Research, and finally presents Conceptual Designs for the Material Library itself. The exhibition is organized “science fair style” meaning that students will be present to engage guests directly in dialogue about their work. At 1:30pm on April 30, students will provide guest orientation and officially open the exhibition. At 3pm and 4pm students will make brief, topical presentations.
Closing remarks by Greg Gleicher (Good Developments Group CEO), Bruce Lindsey (WUSTL) and David Dowell (El Dorado and KSU APD) will begin at 5pm CT.